Nikolina Komljenovic, Bruno Pocheron and Božidar Šumi are re-entering the space of VOIC ING to deliver it at its current state at 9 public events at Wiesenburg Halle, Wiessenstraße 55, 13357 Berlin between 7th and 17th March.
“The performance of Nikolina Komljenović, Božidar Šumi and Bruno Pocheron by considering the relationship between the object and the subject, places such relevant issues in the context of performing arts and reaches the unmistakable enigma of human existence so far.”
Ivana Slunjski,
+ Trailer
+ About
VOIC ING is part of a larger project named An Object is Transferring Into the Subject that began in 2013 and deals with process, body, interspace and self-creation. The first performance of a series of works is related to the spine and its subjectivity to the concrete objective body. VOIC ING, which is the second performance of the same series, deals with the voice of the body in real and metaphorical meaning trough subjective viewpoint of the spectator and objective body in the space.
The autopoiesis of the interspace of action plays with the preceding the body and the movement before the mind and the thought. Božidar, Nikolina and Bruno, not only producing themselves, they are produced in terms of viewing, voicing, initiating movement and sharing positions. The order of events is completely independent of their order in space and time. It is spreading through the choreographic material like a fractal. The game is a spiral of improvisations that are collected in a collage of embodied postcards. Expressions are nothing but purity of energy potential and thus the multiplicity of content, desires, and perceptions. It is a choreographic practice of dramaturgy and choreographic momentum, which as its starting point uses 7 terms: GAZE, VOICE, MOVEMENT, SPACE, LIGHT, RELATION and TIME.
+ Team
Idea: Nikolina Komljenović
Game and Performance: Nikolina Komljenović and Božidar Šumi
Design of light and performance: Bruno Pocheron
Graphic design and photography: Tomislav Turković
Production: Experimental free scene (ekscena), Wiesen55 e.V.
Co-production: World, Wiesen55 e.V.
Support: POUZ Zagreb and Tala Dance Center, Wiesen55 e.V.
Finance: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
Photo Courtesy: Marko Gutić Mižimakov
Video: Nika Pećarina
+ When | 6th – 13th & 15th – 17th March 2019 at 6pm
+ Where | Wiesenburg-Halle 55, Hoff II | Wiesenstrasse 55, 13357 Berlin – Wedding
+ Free Entry and Donations 😉
+ For further details please contact Nikolina at or +385 95 875 5778 (Whatsapp)
+ Thank You