+ Personne is about the face and hands.

‘Personne’ in French means the person, the self. It also means nobody, as in ‘y a personne’, meaning ‘nobody’s there’. The Latin writers invented the etymology ‘per sonare’ (to sound through), the word persona meaning mask: theatre mask, tragic mask, ritual mask or mask of the ancestors. As if in this word’“personne’ all the layers of the identity could pile up, from the idea of good looking; as in ‘bien de sa personne’; to the very self, meaning also a social role or personality, a character on stage, or an empty space, void of all human traces.

Working together is much nicer when you’re not working on the same thing.

Laurent Goldring

The play is about the embodiment of faces through hands. The rest of the body is allowed to disappear.

Isabelle Schad

+ About the Project

Personne is the latest fruit of a long collaboration between choreographer Isabelle Schad and visual artist Laurent Goldring. What characterizes their working process and makes their pieces become what they are, is the fact that each of them works on something else along the way.

In connection with and as a counterpoint to Personne, the exhibition Les yeux sans regard (Eyes without a gaze), by Laurent Goldring, can be experienced in the Werkhalle Wiesenburg. The material presented emerged during the working process around Personne,when Goldring began to revisit a series of loops of ‘eyes without a gaze’ on film. As suggested by Goldring, the title comes from the observation that ‘Caught between hands and face, the eyes tend to be missing the point – an take over the image’.

To round off the program, an Open Practice Session will take place in Volkspark Humboldthain. Isabelle Schad will share movement principles around Personne, deriving from somatic and Asian practices (aikido, meridian work, researching principles of embryological development) in a joint practice open to all: a special focus will be given to the connections between hands, fingers, grips and the feet / the shifting weight, whilst perceiving oneself as a whole. By practicing together, participants will have the opportunity to interchange physically and relate their own experience to seeing the work.

The OPS are open to everyone | openpracticesessions.org

+ Cast & Credits

Concept & Choreography: Isabelle Schad, Laurent Goldring
Performance: Isabelle Schad
Sound design: Damir Simunovic
Light design: Emma Juliard
Technique: Emma Juliard, Ivan Bartsch
Costumes: Michael Sontag, Laurent Goldring, Isabelle Schad
PR / Mediation: Elena Basteri
Photo: Laurent Goldring
Production management: Heiko Schramm

Production: Isabelle Schad | Isabelle Schad’s work is supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe – Concept Funding, “Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative. Aid program for dance. ”| Thanks to Wiesen 55 e.V, Residence Muzeum Susch and goldring-productions.

+ Program

5:00 p.m. | Isabelle Schad, Open Practice Session | Volkspark Humboldthain
6:00 p.m. | Laurent Goldring, Les yeux sans regard, Exhibition Opening | Wiesenburg workshop

10. 09. 2021
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Laurent Goldring, Les yeux sans regard | Wiesenburg workshop
7:00 p.m. | Isabelle Schad & Laurent Goldring: Personne (Premiere) | Wiesenburg dance hall

11.09. 2021
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Laurent Goldring, Les yeux sans regard | Wiesenburg workshop
7:00 p.m. | Isabelle Schad & Laurent Goldring: Personne | Wiesenburg dance hall

12. 09. 2021
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. | Laurent Goldring, Les yeux sans regard | Wiesenburg workshop
5:00 p.m. | Classical Sunday | Wiesenburg workshop
7:00 p.m. | Isabelle Schad & Laurent Goldring: Personne | Wiesenburg dance hall

+ Where | Tanzhalle & Werkhalle Wiesenburg, Wiesenstrasse 55, Wedding, 13357 Berlin
Meeting point Open Practice Session Humboldthain, 52 ° 32’42.3 “N 13 ° 23’03.1” E

+ Tickets | All events are free. A donation of 5-10 € is welcome. The number of seats is limited. Reservation at: info@isabelle-schad.net Please note the current Corona rules, participation is possible with 3G (tested, recovered, vaccinated) and AHA rules.

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