Showings series in the Wiesenburg-Halle

+ Isabelle Schad ‘Double Portrait’ with Przemek Kaminski and Nir Vidan

presenting the first results for new productions planned in 2017 within an informal framework | Showings

‘The images are always somehow in-between, hybrids, and can never be clearly defined. As soon as an image starts to say something that each member of the audience can recognise, I want to change it or get rid of the image.’

Isabelle Schad, excerpt from an interview with Wolfgang Horn, Theater: Ein Fest! Tanzplattform 2016, 3sat

+ When | 16th & 17th June 2017 at 7pm

+ Where | Wiesenburg-Halle 55, Hoff II | Wiesenstrasse 55, 13357 Berlin – Wedding

+ Double Portrait Dance Performance featuring

Isabelle Schad | production, concept and choreography

HAU-Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, defacto Zagreb | co-production

Przemek Kaminski, Nir Vidan | co-choreography und performance

Sasa Bozic | dramaturgical support

Damir Simunovic | sound 

Bruno Pocheron | lighting

Charlotte Pistorius | costumes

Heiko Schramm | head of production

Andrea Remetin | produktion defacto 

Isabelle Schad | photos

+ Supported through the governing mayor of Berlin by the Senate Chancellery | Cultural Affairs, NPN Coproduction Funding Dance

+ The Official Premiere will take act on October 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia

+ Berlin Premiere is expected in December 2017 at HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin

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