Tyres, pipes and ruins

+ 80 architecture students from the University of Technology

in Berlin produced temporary possibilities for using the garden in Die Wiesenburg as an activity centre for local children and school classes. The project, “Rituals of the Community”, initiated by Soenke Hartmann and Max Dengler, dealt with alternative space appropriation.

photos: B.Drewes, C.Rokitta, B.Maurer

+ Lots of fun was had by all! 

All kinds of curiosities could be discovered in the grounds. Umbrellas formed the roof of a painting corner for children, tyres found a new use as a resting place, lengths of fabric created a small-scale cinema, empty oil drums were transformed into mobile cooking units.

+ The project was led by Professor Daniella Fioretti

and funded by a “Social City” award from QM Pankstrasse. The original and exciting constructions being made by the students and enjoyed by children and adults can be seen in this video by Fachgebiet Fioretti.

F  o  l  l  o  w   U  s